●low grinding resistance depending on pores
●long dressing interval
●good grinding sound
●good efficiency to difficult-to-cut materials and wide application for many grinding
●continuance of good cutting performance
●good discharging chips and grinding heat
●structure with pores
(limitting the increase in grinding resistance, discharging chips and grinding heat and continuance of good cutting performance)
●abrasive and bond
(limitting grinding heat, balance between cutting performance and surface finish, various combination for many requirements and grinding condition)
[wheel size:6A2 150*40*40 15W*5*10E TDC 120 L 75 B2K5, grinding method:tool grinding, workpiece material:cermet]
BK wheel provides few grinding burnings and reduction of grinding time to a quarter without breaking.
[wheel size:1A1 180*10*31.75*3*BY1°TD 1500 D 75 B6K6, grinding method:surface grinding, workpiece material:hard metal]
Thanks to pores, BK wheel does not bring on grinding burnings.
[wheel size:1A1 180*13*31.75*3*BT3°TBN 170 L 75 B6K2, grinding method:surface grinding, workpiece material:SKD-11HRc62]
Thanks to pores, BK wheel provides few chips clogging, good cutting performance in high-speed grinding and relatively
high grinding ratio depending on few abrasive grain loss.
They are characteristic
grinding wheels with "PoreTec"
We have vitrified bond wheels
which accumulate long-time technique
We can make a proposal for
the total grinding process.